PHD Media Australia > News > PHD Sydney Named Most Sustainable Agency by Urban List
Dezember 20 2019

PHD Sydney Named Most Sustainable Agency by Urban List


National EA & Office Manager, Anna De Paoli and Managing Director, Lucy Formosa-Morgan.

Urban List has announced PHD Sydney as Australia’s Most Sustainable Agency, and Lucy Formosa Morgan, also from PHD Sydney, as Australia’s Most Sustainable Agency Employee.

In an industry first, 502 employees across 42 Australian media agencies were challenged to live more sustainably, as part of Urban List’s inaugural Agency Challenge for Change.

Across the four week challenge, Urban List delivered participants tips to help them live more sustainably, analysing pre- and post-challenge scores to shortlist eight employees and three agencies
as finalists: PHD Sydney, IKON Brisbane and Hyland Sydney.

Over the past 12 months, PHD has overhauled their workplace practices and implemented policies aimed at staff education, sustainable energy systems and waste management policies with the aim of reducing their landfill by 40 per cent come 2022.

“We are aiming to create awareness of this issue in our workplace and industry. Alone, we cannot stop climate change, however we can do our part in sharing the responsibility to create a cleaner,
more sustainable world,” said Mark Jarrett, CEO of PHD.

Inspired by the 27,000 readers that took on Urban List’s June Challenge For Change, CEO Susannah George said the brand is committed to furthering the conversation of sustainability among readers and peers.

“We are dedicated to connecting with our audience on issues they are most passionate about and the environment is the second most important issue for young Australians today, after mental health,”
George said.

“More than ever before, consumers are making decisions based not only on how brands answer their needs, but if it’s in line with their values. To stay relevant, businesses need to show that the environment is an issue important to them. It’s not about being perfect — none of us are; it’s about showing we care enough to make positive steps in the right direction.”

In 2020, Urban List will launch a suite of new initiatives designed to help readers live in line with their values and brand partners engage in conversations surrounding sustainability, including: an always
on Sustainability content vertical, the Champions Of Change event series which inspires readers to turn their passion for the planet into a purposeful career, and the second annual Challenge For Change to coincide with World Environment Day in June.

Article originally posted on B&T

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