PHD Media Australia > News > Stephanie Douglas-Neal Promoted to PHD Sydney General Manager
January 23 2020

Stephanie Douglas-Neal Promoted to PHD Sydney General Manager


Douglas-Neal is a veteran of the agency, having joined PHD from ZenithOptimedia in 2016. Since then, she has run multiple accounts at PHD and has successfully led a people development strategy that has seen PHD be recognised beyond the media industry at the AHRI (Australian Human Resource Institute) awards. Douglas-Neal will continue to lead the People and Development team at PHD whilst managing a team of six Group Business Directors who encompass PHD’s growing client portfolio, including Unilever, Virgin Australia and Volkswagen Group.

Of the promotion Douglas-Neal said: “I am delighted to be taking on a greater leadership role at such an important time in the evolution of PHD Australia. It’s a privilege to work with such a strong leadership team in Sydney, and I’m excited at the opportunity to work with them and the exec team to continue to offer our Sydney clients innovative & strategic comms solutions to drive their brands forward.”

Douglas-Neal will be reporting into the newly promoted Managing Director of PHD Australia, Lucy Formosa Morgan. Formosa Morgan commented, “Stephanie has done a fantastic job managing clients such as Google and PepsiCo during her tenure at PHD and consistently demonstrates great leadership. Stephanie is not afraid to make the leap and challenge clients to ensure that we are delivering the right solutions for their business. This is one of the great qualities that makes her the perfect fit for the General Manager role.”

CEO, Mark Jarrett added: “Stevie’s contribution to PHD’s client relationships and people initiatives has been highly impactful on the business. As PHD has grown over the years, Stevie’s strategic and visionary approach to our talent program has ensured that we have continued to hire and retain some of the best talent in the industry. As the agency continues to grow, I have no doubt that Stevie is the right person to lead PHD’s evolving culture and client portfolio”.

Originally posted on B&T

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