PHD Media Australia > News > Continental Partners with Aussie Comedians for New Cooking Series via PHD Content
Giugno 12 2020

Continental Partners with Aussie Comedians for New Cooking Series via PHD Content


In a series of four individual Facebook live streams, Continental is partnering with well-known comedians to bring entertainment and cooking inspiration to Aussies.

The campaign, devised by PHD Content, will see four Aussie comedians, Susie Youseff, Dave “Hughesy” Hughes, Denise Scott, and Tommy Little bring laughter into Aussie homes while cooking with Continental products. PHD will leverage the platform’s audience reach and interact in real time with those watching through live reactions and comments.

“Our work in insights identified that while navigating the uncharted waters of our new lives, with so many spending more and more time in their house, it’s easy for cooking to become another daily struggle. Continental partnered with PHD to show how easy it is for people to create delicious and amazing meals with their products at home. Bringing this insight to life through creativity, we aim to demonstrate how cooking can be made easy, by live streaming leading comics with no professional cooking experience whatsoever, attempting to make a meal in their own kitchens. What could go wrong?” said PHD Content senior content manager Jack Monro.

PHD Content’s remit with Continental includes the development and execution of an effective communications strategy and accompanying content, with media planning and buying across traditional channels, programmatic and paid search completed by PHD’s Unilever team.

“We were inspired by PHD’s insights and their approach at bringing this to life. In these challenging times, it’s more important than ever that we stay connected and try to help people overcome obstacles that once were not. We’re excited to see what the comedian ‘chefs’ will cook up and hope to bring some fun and lighthearted entertainment into all Aussie households,” said Foods head of marketing Jennifer Turnbull.

The first live stream featured Susie Youseff cooking zucchini, spinach & quinoa fritters, and the second saw Dave “Hughesy” Hughes take on Mexican Fiesta Vege Soup. The next live stream will be on Monday, 15th June, at 7:00 pm, featuring Denise Scott on Continental’s Facebook page.

Originally posted on B&T

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