
Measurement and Reporting

PHD Media Denmark > Services > Measurement and Reporting

What it is

Measurement and Reporting is the consolidation of data into one environment. 

At PHD, we provide clients with bespoke dashboards with fingertip access to all their relevant data.  

This data can range from competitive spend for share of investment (SOI) reporting through to digital performance.  

Our comprehensive offering includes the development and integration of multi-touch attribution (MTA) and market mix modeling (MMM), in addition to working within cleanroom environments to create cross-clean room MTA.

How it leads to growth

Measurement and reporting allow us to provide greater clarity on the actual impact marketing is having, thus enabling enhanced optimization.

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Our services

Audience Management

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Commerce Planning and Execution

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Commerce Strategy

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Content Development

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Data Analytics

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Implementation Planning

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Inventory Management

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Investment Planning

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Media and Ad Operations

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Media Negotiation, Buying and Bid Management

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Organizational Consultancy

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Sponsorship and Partnerships

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Strategic Planning

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Technology Consultancy

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Our work

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