PHD Media MENA > News > PHD Food for Thought – December session highlights
January 14 2019

PHD Food for Thought – December session highlights

Digital Industry Insights News Our Views The Work

Last month, we hosted a Food For Thought session on the topical theme of digital transformation. Take a look at our highlights video to see the ideas and experiences of our partners.

Food For Thought is a series of working breakfast sessions during which our media, tech and data partners provide insights from their business, their ambitions, their research and their unique understanding of the market, for our teams and clients.

Our December session titled Eyes open: Staying ahead of Digital Disruption in 2019 gave an insight into two topics from key partners who have demonstrated adaptive business models in the face of market disruption.

How digital disruption has affected their business

How does this translate across to the new ways we should treat/view media, content, data and tech opportunities in 2019

Key takeaways from our partners were:

Nourah AlFayez, Agency Head, Platforms MENA, Google –
“Customer experience is the next competition battleground. It’s where businesses are won or lost”

Roland Daher, COO, Astrolabs –
“Don’t buy into the hype, execute like a startup and digital transformation involves everyone in your business.”

Boye Balogun, Managing Director, Future Tech –
‘Try new things and be fearless to break new things”

Ian Manning, Head of Agencies, Facebook MENAP
“Successful disruption has a common trait – agility”

Ciaran Bonass, Regional Creative Director VICE MENA –
“Throughout change, there is only one constant. Creativity and memorable ideas.”


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