
Break of silence

  • InLesco (school of sign language)
  • PHD LATAM - Costa Rica
PHD Media Panama > Work > Break of silence

In Costa Rica, people with hearing disabilities are being denied access to information and entertainment on TV. In fact, only one TV channel offers on-screen sign language. 

So, partnering with In Lesco, a not-for-profit, sign language school, we set out to raise awareness of the challenges facing the deaf community and drive change across the country. 

To do this, we created The Break of Silence, Costa Rica’s first silent TV commercial break – 100% interpreted in sign language.  

We broadcast the three-minute break in primetime on Costa Rica’s biggest news channel… and it cost In Lesco nothing.  

The five advertisers we brought on board all paid for their own production and media AND donated 10 InLesco scholarships to people who couldn’t afford them. 


0 %

of the population saw the break


Additional advertisers started including sign-language interpreters in their ads

+ 0 %

increase in In Lesco course enrolments

x 0

increase in scholarship applications


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Audience Management

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