
No Show Room

  • Volkswagen
  • PHD Sweden
PHD Media Panama > Work > No Show Room

To demonstrate the Volkswagen Passat Alltrack’s winter-adjusted credentials we placed it in the world’s most remote showroom – The No Show Room – somewhere hard to get to, but easy to drive away from, as long as you had the Alltrack.

We also drew attention to the activation of VW’s sponsorship of Sweden’s cross-country ski team – superstars in their own right, the Ronaldos and LeBrons of Sweden.

To launch the campaign, we announced that the first person to find the remote showroom would win the car! We engaged tens of thousands of people in a two-week long hunt for clues, while simultaneously teaching consumers all about the car’s features. Clues unlocking coordinates to the showroom were shared across VW’s online and offline touchpoints and Sweden’s ski team channels.


The Passat Alltrack became the #1 talked about car brand online and the most-sold in Sweden during our campaign.

+ 0 %

Increase in price quotes and test drives

+ 0 %

Lift in website traffic

+ 0 %

Uplift in Passat Alltrack sales

(during campaign period)

+ 0 %

Increase in Instagram followers


Services used

Audience Management

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Commerce Strategy

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