In a Nutshell:
In Sweden, drowning is the most common fatal accident among children 1-6 years. The reason is often parents’ lack of supervision. Trygg-Hansa wanted to create an initiative that encourages adults to keep track of their bathing children.
Swedish parents spend an average of three hours on their mobile phones every day. However, on a beach, every second is critical; a glance at the phone can be the difference between life and death.
Our mission was to increase the brand preference among parents by demonstrating Trygg-Hansa’s commitment and knowledge of water safety.
To prevent accidents and help parents increase awareness of water safety, we launched “Bath-mode”, an app that makes the phone completely unusable on the beach: no Facebook, no phone calls. Everything is blocked. The only feature that works is emergency calls.
The app was the tool to spread our message in all communication channels. The withdrawals were linked to Trygg-Hansa’s website, where there was advice on how to bathe safely.
Bath-mode was spread all over homeland Sweden in traditional and social media, over 100 newspapers wrote about Bath-mode and the importance of supervision. Several municipalities introduced mobile phone bans in bathing areas, and a mobile phone manufacturer is now considering building the function as standard in their phones.
Increase in page visits to Trygg-Hansa: + 500%
Reached media: +15 million
Brand preference among parents: + 8%
Background and Communication goals
Trygg-Hansa has worked with water safety for over 65 years and has carried out several major campaigns and initiatives in the area. Before the summer of 2020, Trygg-Hansa wanted to do something about the fact that drowning is the most common fatal accident among children aged 1-6 years by focusing on the parents’ supervision.
Communication goals: Create conditions for increased brand preference among parents through an engaging communication solution that builds observation and knowledge of Trygg-Hansa’s knowledge in Water Safety.
Increase in page visits to Trygg-Hansa: + 500%
Social media engagement (app downloads, shares, likes etc): + 800%
Brand preference among parents: + 8%
Media Strategy and Execution
The purpose of the first campaign was to build awareness and drive PR through social media and start the social conversation about this year’s initiative linked to Water Safety before the high season.
In part two, we optimized for relevance and context. We geo-targeted towards areas from north to south where Sweden’s 25 largest bathing sites are located. We also combined geo-steering with weather control. Thus, we communicated our message “just in time” to people close to the water when it was sunny and 20 + C. Of course, our channel was mobile, and the media types YouTube, Display and Social Media. By working with a dynamic creative set (DCO), we could change campaign material on rainy days to ensure reach in the target group.
During the campaign period, we also had contextual controls towards, for example, weather sites and a collaboration with the influencer Margaux. She got the app Badläge installed on her mobile, which she demonstrated in a waterfront Vlog with Trygg-Hansa’s experts.
Increase in page visits to Trygg-Hansa: + 500%
Social media engagement: + 800%
Brand preference among parents: + 8%
Reached media: +15 million
The news about Badläge became this year’s most shared news article, which was not about Covid-19, on both Expressen and Aftonbladet. A total of 66,000 shares of these articles.
Deserved media (podcasts, radio and newspapers) highlighted statistics from a national Novus survey, quotes from an expert at Trygg-Hansa and a drowning expert from Karolinska Institutet.